
Product and Deals Landing Page Template

created: 06/29/2016 by: Works of Wisnu email:

1. Structure

All files and folders are well organized.

Files and Folder Structure

2. Header & Nav Menu

Header & Nav Menu

Above is the screenshot of the header section, inside .navbar-header there are place for your Logo and also hamburger-button to trigger the navigation menu. To change the logo, you can simply adjust the image source into the path of your logo file.

Inside nav id="nav-wrapper" you will find two main elements, there are logo and navigation links. The logo here is similar with the one we have above but will appear when navigation wrapper slided down.

Move to main-nav there are links which scrolling to any section of target, you can adjust your navigation links here. Also there is a link with class contact-trigger which any of elements with this class will trigger the contact overlay.

2.1 External Link on Navigation

If you want to add external link on the navigation, simply add .external class on the anchor link. For example:

<li><a class="external" href="">Google</a></li>

3. Background

3.1 Hero Background Image

To change the background image, find the following section on main.css file:

Hero Background

If you're using the scss file, you can find it on _header.scss file inside sass > partials folder.

3.2 Breaking/Section Background Image

The background settings for certain section were written inside every section on main.css file. For example the background setting for testimonial section can be found at section number 6.0 TESTIMONY SECTION, and for the scss is on _testimony-section.scss file:

Testimony Background

3.3 Parallax Background Effect

To obtain parallax effect, we should add attribut data-stellar-* to the section which has background image, for example:

Parallax Background

For more details about parallax setting, please read the Stellar's official documentation here.

4. Columns & Content

4.1 Full Width Column

Urip used class="container" from Bootstrap to wrap content and house the grid system. Therefore it has maximum width of 12 columns (1170px width on desktop screen). To make a full width column you need to change class container into class="container-full".

Full Width Column

4.2 Vertical Center Content

To make vertically center content like Hero section you need to add v-align class to any div which wrapping columns.

Vertical Center Content

5. Pricing Banner

Initially there is only one pricing element in this template, and it's called a pricing banner. Here is the basic code to create a pricing banner:

Pricing Banner
  • item-name - put your item's name here
  • item-desc - simple description about your item here
  • item-price-number - put your item's price here. Small tag is for the currency.
  • item-image - put the source of your image here
  • nt-buy - button to redirect customer to your purchase page

6. Comparison Table

You can find the comparison table on Campaign Layout. For now the comparison table only support two comparator, and below is the code to make comparison table:

Comparison Table Code

and the result is:

Comparison Table

7. Timeline


Below is the code to create timeline:

Timeline Code

8. Content Filter

Content Filter

This template uses Isotope plugin as content filter. You should call the plugin js file and giman-isotope-setting.js on your HTML (currently only index-digital-goodies-deals.html which has been included these script on the package).:

Content Filter JS files

There are two main elements for this content filter, first is the Filter button:

Content Filter Button

The attribute data-filter is the class of the filter items which used as category, while the * mark indicating all categories. The next element is Filter item:

Content Filter Item

All items are wrapped with div class bundle-list-filter, and each item has div class bundle-filter, you can place your category class along with this div.

9. Carousel/Slider

To display Carousel, please include slick.min.js and giman-slick-carousel-setting.js to your HTML. Giman uses Slick carousel feature on testimony section, app slider (index-single-product.html) and logo slider(index-game-deals.html).

Carousel JS

Testimony carousel:

Testimony Carousel

App carousel:

App Carousel

Logo carousel:

Logo Carousel

10. Countdown Timer

To display Countdown Timer, please include jquery.countdown.min.js and giman-countdown-setting.js to your HTML.

Countdown Timer

then open giman-countdown-setting.js file, there you will find some date like this '2016/07/14', replace with your desired date. And finally deploy <ul class="countdown-timer"></ul> to your HTML file to display the timer. For more details about Countdown Timer plugin please visit its official documentation here.

11. Instagram Gallery

To display Instagram Gallery like on the Single Product layout, please include instafeed.min.js and giman-instafeed-setting.js to your HTML.

Instafeed JS

Below is the HTML complete structure to display the gallery, but basically you just need to create an ul with id="instafeed":

Instafeed HTML code

The next step is to adjust the access token and user Id of your Instagram account to the giman-instafeed-setting.js file

Instafeed JS setting

Visit this page to generate your Instagram access token: Access Token Generator. Put your access token and to the accessToken option, copy the first line of your accessToken (before first dot sign) to the userId option. For more complete details please read the Instafeed documentation page.

Due to the new API changes of Instagram, we can only display photos from our own account. We can no longer display public photos/tagged photos. Read the issue here.

12. Forms

12.1 Subscription Forms

Giman has integrated MailChimp service subscribe form usingjQuery Ajaxchimp.

12.1.1 How to connect to my mailchimp list?

Open giman.js file and find the 8. AJAXCHIMP (jQuery Mailchimp Subscribe) section, replace the URL with your own mailchimp post URL

Ajax Chimp
12.1.2 How to find my mailchimp post URL?

Just login to your Mailchimp account, go to your list or create a new one, head to the Signup Forms menu, select Embedded Form. There you will find "Copy/paste onto your site" section, find the URL inside form action="".

Mailchimp URL

12.2 Contact Form

Contact form use contact.php to send the message to your email. The contact form overlay will appear when a link with class="contact-trigger" clicked. To adjust the recipient address, please open the contact.php file, change the value of $to variable.

Recipients Email
12.2.1 How to set up the form

To adjust the form to meet what you need, you can edit the name, id, and placeholder of an input. A field under div class="required-field" will have a red dot right before the input appears when there is/are error(s) with the input. Below is a screenshot of the existing contact form:

Contact Form
12.2.2 Contact Form Validation

Before the contact message sent, it needs to be validated to check whether all required fields have been filled correctly. To adjust the validation process, please open the giman.js file and head to section number 7, Contact Form Validation. You will find some validation code like this:

Form Validation

If you have custom field on your contact form, first you need to define the variable, give a variable name and define the id of the input. After that you need to define the validation just like code below // Form field validation comment. If the error variable is true then the error notification will appear and give a class of field-error to the parent div. If all the validation processes finished and no error found then the contact message will be sent using contact.php

13. Integration/Embed integration New

Since Giman version 1.1 it has been added the compatibility with 2 major e-commerce/selling platform, Selz and Sellfy. Both are famous platforms that allow you to easily sell your digital products. Currently this template support/compatible with embed button from those platforms, although you can also manage other type of embedded media provided like product or store widgets.

13.1 Selz Button Embed

You can find the example integration for Selz in Giman Digital Goodies layout (index-digital-goodies-deals-selz.html). Click the 'Buy Now' buttons to see the overlay widget of the item like this:

Selz Overlay

To create Selz embed button, make sure you have one published/active item at Selz. And the setup to accomplish the overlay functionality is easy:

  1. If you're not using index-digital-goodies-deals-selz.html template, then include Giman Selz JS setting in your page:

    <!-- GIMAN Selz JS Setting -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="js/custom-plugin-setting/giman-selz-setting.js"></script>
    To adjust the color of button and checkout header, open the giman-selz-setting.js file then change the hexa color value inside theme setting.

  2. Include jquery.selz.min.css or add your stylesheet into the <head> of your page.

    <!-- Selz Style integration -->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  3. Add the short link to your products into the <body> of your page. This can be found on the share item page within Selz. For example:

    <a href="" class="btn btn-default">Buy Now</a>

That's all, for more details please check official Github account of Selz: Happy selling!

13.2 Sellfy Button Embed

You can find the example integration for Sellfy in Giman Game Deals layout (index-game-deals-sellfy.html). Click the 'Buy Now' buttons to see the overlay widget of the item like this:

Sellfy Overlay

To create Sellfy embed button, make sure you have one published/active item at Sellfy. And the setup to accomplish the overlay functionality is easy:

  1. If you're not using index-game-deals-sellfy.html template, then include Giman Sellfy JS Setting in your page:

    <!-- GIMAN Selz JS Setting -->
    <script src=""></script>
  2. Add the link to your profucts into the <body> of your page. Then add classes sellfy-buy-button sellfy-buy-button-custom to the anchor tag.

    <!-- BEGIN Sellfy Embed button -->
    <a href="" id="FeUo" class="sellfy-buy-button sellfy-buy-button-custom">
      <span class="btn btn-default btn-dark-orange all-caps">Buy for $20</span>
    <!-- END Sellfy Embed button -->

That's all, for more details please check the official Documentation of Sellfy here: Happy selling!

14. JavaScript

Below is the list of jQuery plugins used in Giman template. Visit their website to find more documentation:

  • jQuery
  • Headroom - slides out the navigation menu when scrolling down, and slides back in when scrolling up.
  • Animated Headline - animated headline used in Single Page Layout.
  • Ajaxchimp - used in subscribe form to send subscribers email to mailchimp list.
  • Counter Up.
  • Isotope - create content filter, used Digital Goodies Deals layout.
  • Swipebox - touchable lightbox, used in video and photo lightbox in Single Product and Product Campaign layout.
  • Scroll Reveal - hide then reveal element once it enter viewport.
  • Smooth scrolling plugin.
  • Slick - Carousel plugin, used in testimonial, app, and logo slider.
  • Stellar - create parallax background section<./li>
  • Countdown Timer - create count down timer.
  • Instafeed - display photos from Instagram account.

Inside the js folder you will find giman.js file, this file is the set up for some javascript plugins above for all layouts of this template, and inside custom-plugin-setting folder you will find the js setting files for plugin that needs dependency.

15. Credits

I've used the following images, icons or other files as listed. *for demo only

That's all! Please let me know if I missed something here :)